Represented in over 120 countries worldwide, the brand name 3B Scientific® stands for best quality, best value, and best service. The mission of 3B Scientific is to advance medical and healthcare delivery through the quality, breadth and global reach of relevant educational and simulation products. The product portfolio covers a complete and comprehensive range of equipment for simulation and skill training, anatomy, healthcare and patient education as well as science education and is continuously updated with new products and innovations.
That is what 3B stands for today: Best quality, Best value, Best service!
The 3B Scientific® Product Line includes:
Medical Education:
- 3B Smart Anatomy Models
- Complete Anatomy App
- Anatomy Charts
- Medical Simulators
- Medical Skill Trainers
- Health Education
Acupuncture and Therapy Supplies:
- MOXOM and SEIRIN® Acupuncture Needles
- Acupuncture Supplies
- Physical Therapy and Fitness Equipment
- Kinsesiology Tape
- Massage Supplies and Treatment Tables
Natural Sciences Education
- Physics Experiments and Student Lab Equipment
- Biology Experiments and Models
- Chemistry Experiments and Models
- Zoology
Ludwig-Erhard Straße 20
20459 Hamburg