Newsletter Submission Deadlines Overview 2024

Deadlines Overview 2024*

Content delivery untilDispatch
JanuaryJan19thJan 26th
FebruaryFeb 22thFeb 29th
MarchMar 21stMar 28th
AprilApr 18thApr 25th
MayMay 23rdMay 27th
JuneJun 21stJun 28th
JulyJul 26thJul 31stth
AugustAug 23rdAug 29th
SeptemberSep 20thSep 26th
OctoberOct 25thOct 31st
NovemberNov 22ndNov 28th

One of the primary goals of Worlddidac is to promote its members. Perhaps one of the most important ways we do this is by regularly publishing news and posts from our members. Not only is Worldidac a trade association and a global community at your fingertips, but it is also your window to reach out! If you want to submit a company article, fill out the form below.

Some areas you may see your article published:

Articles may be news posts or informational posts. There is no limitation regarding volume or images. You can also send your content directly to Aleksandra via email at