Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Inter-American Development Bank works to improve people’s lives throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. It helps to enhance health and education and advance infrastructure by providing financial and technical assistance to countries to reduce poverty and inequality.

Inter-American Development Bank offers loans, grants, and technical assistance, in addition to conducting extensive research. In its development work in the said region, the IDB prioritizes social inclusion and equality, productivity and innovation, and regional economic integration.

Some of the educational projects that IDB handled:

  • Skills to Access the Green Economy through TVET in Belize and the Caribbean (USD 630,000)
  • Pilot for modular TVET in São Paulo-s digital industries (USD 600,000)

Its goal is to achieve development in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. IDB is the leading source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean.

For more information, visit the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)