Having entered in business since 1985, Anshuman has built a solid reputation since 2000 for manufacturing & marketing technical Laboratory Training Kits & equipment used in Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics, Vocational Schools etc. With customers throughout the world, ATPL is regarded as premier supplier of reliable, high quality and competitively priced Training Systems.
The company has a selection of over 200 training systems in its portfolio, which are sold through the countrywide and worldwide network of dealers.
ATPL Covers the following ever expanding disciplines
● Electrical Electronics ● Control & Instrumentation ● Process ● Control l Mechatronics ● Power Electronics ● Electrical Power ● Building Management ● Mechanical ● Telecommunications ● Test and Measurement ● Alternate Energy ● Learning Software Solutions ● Bio-Medical
The Company places special emphasis on the export of its products all over the world, hence has correct knowhow of presenting, packaging a product and its instruction manual in a worldwide accepted standard: namely, Student Workbook & Instructor Guide. We regularly export to Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, Egypt, Jorden, Greece, Palestine, Iran, Bahrain, Sudan, Tunisia, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Bolivia, Dominic Republic, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangla Desh, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Yemen, Mongolia, Mauritius, Thailand, Vietnam, Poland, U.S.A., U.K. The company maintains 2 websites (www.anshumantech.net & .com) to support clients worldwide including Portuguese/Spanish languages, to improve strike rate by clients & continual online presence through WhatsApp / Skype / GTalk / etc. for quick response.
R & D and Quality Assurance
Our R & D Engineers work in close contact with clients to produce user-friendly products and manuals providing a fulfilling teaching & learning experience. Students can complete their assignments in a single laboratory session. Anshuman operates a continual product improvement process through ISO procedures and customer feedback to ensure that our equipment stays ahead of the competition and meets customer needs. Our product specifications are reviewed in line with worldwide curricula to comply with varied syllabus requirements and are regularly updated and new products developed. Quality production is ensured using structured step-by-step processes and documentation at every level in line with ISO 9001 requirements. After Sales Service Company responds to customer needs quickly and considers after sales service equally important to establish a culture of customer confidence. Anshuman has established long term relationships with its clients. To expedite your order or to get any particular service, please send us an e-mail, SMS or Whatsapp with product details and your contact address along with mobile / landline numbers. Our Service Engineers will respond to you quickly through e-mail or phone or WhatsApp/ Skype/GTalk. We also provide installation, commissioning and training service or provide you with video demo or animation CDs for any customers who require assistance.
Quality policy: The management and the staff of ANSHUMAN TECH PVT. LTD. is committed to providing Educational training instrument and test measurement products and services on par with international standards with an emphasis on cost-effectiveness, customer satisfaction and market coverage with an emphasis on Exports in hard currencies. It is our endeavour to create a culture of total quality where continuous improvement of our products by the increasing involvement of people through customer oriented, flexible, multiple job functions with emphasis on cost consciousness become a way of life.
Vision is to become a top didactic training solution provider from India by providing excellent training product solutions and after-sales service to ensure customers’ satisfaction by continuous updating of products, new models and related services.
The mission is to develop cost-effectively; student yet safe and sturdy, attractive/elegant friendly training systems for technical laboratory work by teachers, academicians & students with excellent
Our Team is available either on Mobile or Twitter, Facebook, Skype, per Email/G Talk ID, AC.
1 Mr V. Ravi, M:+91 9545510324, Skype: velnati.ravi, marketing@anshumantech.net, anshumantech@yahoo.in (Yahoo Messenger)
2 Mr Jagannath, M: +91 9764196868, Facebook: Anshuman Tech Pvt. Ltd., support@anshumantech.net, anshumantech@yahoo.in(Yahoo Messenger)
3 Mr Ajay/ Sham, M: +91 9158988051; Twitter: @anshumantech, marketing@anshumantech.net,marketing@anshumantech.net (Yahoo Messenger)
4 S. Kulkarni /A. Gore, M: +91 9764195252, WhatsApp: +91-9545510324, sales@anshumantech.net, marketing@anshumantech.net (Yahoo Messenger)
5 Mrs Ashwini Joshi, M: +91 9158988051, Skype: velnati.ravi, accounts@anshumantech.net, anshumantech@yahoo.in (Yahoo Messenger)
Pvt Ltd
Plot 13, Sthairya, Near Nav-Sahyadri Society, Karve Nagar,
Pune – 411 052 (MH) INDIA.
Tel : (0091)(020) 25460892/ 25463052.
Visit: www.anshumantech.com, www.anshumantech.net
anshumantech@yahoo.in, support@anshumantech.net, marketing@anshumantech.in
Article Submitted by:
Ravi. Velnati
Anshuman Tech Pvt Ltd