Asti Automation Introduces The Smart Flexible Assembly Line Training System

The Smart Flexible Assembly Training System allows the simulation of complex industrial production processes at laboratory scale. The training platform covers different fields of study including automation technology, sensor technology, drive technology, mechatronics and robotics in a versatile and flexible configuration. The system reflects the new developments in Industry 4.0 such as RFID technology, service – oriented program architecture, standards based communication interfaces, pallet transfer systems, as a modular intelligent factory model for teaching and research purposes. This practical implementation of a networked factory can be used to represent the entire production value chain and is configurable and extendable in accordance to the customer’s training objectives. Higher level objectives related to automation-IT integration and data-driven manufacturing, maintenance and optimisation through MES and ERP architectures can also be achieved.

The five-station Smart Flexible Assembly Training System includes a training platform with pneumatic warehouse stations for 3D-printed workpieces, conveyor systems with different types of electric drives, ABB IRB120 six joint industrial robotic cell, visual detection device, finished product storehouse. RFID-enabled workpieces contain information in the form of production parameters and can communicate with the automation equipment – Operation video

As a regional leader in the supply of turnkey technical training solutions, Asti Automation is proud WORLDDIDAC member since 2011 and Siemens Didactic Partner for the CEE region. Our newest catalogue with the complete range of systems for technical training is available online.