In 2005, the leading players in the automobile aftermarket and GRUP EINA, the workshops’ technological ally, signed a Collaboration Agreement with the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Regional Education Offices, with the aim of giving away a complete and up-to-date training program in new technologies, the Eina-AD program, to all Spanish automobile vocational schools, the same programme we were providing to the active automobile technicians.
The Eina-AD program has always had the goal of actively collaborating bridging the technological gap between the vocational training and the reality of the workshops and technicians in our sector. The automobile industry is progressing at a dizzying pace and that makes continual training in new technologies essential for everyone in the sector: teachers, students, and professionals in order to continue guaranteeing our mobility.
Times change, and the Eina-AD program too. Even more so if we consider this global pandemic that currently complicates, slows down, and even paralyzes our activities, including education, which we consider vital for any society and any sector.
With the aim of bringing training in automobile new technologies to the entire automobile educational community, free of charge and faster, and making it more accessible, user-friendly and, above all, much more enriching for both students and teachers, we have completely changed its format; instead of distributing CDs, we have built a virtual campus for them to enjoy the learning process and to get better prepared for the automobile labour market.
We offer them a new 100% E-learning Moodle platform in a campus format, which allows the allocation of all the courses in a single, very visual, practical, and intuitive place, the Eina-AD Campus, and to organize the different subjects in a more effective way, and to incorporate more resources and functions to the courses to make them much more dynamic, useful, and attractive; among other advantages.
We have been training on-site and online professional technicians for more than 15 years. We enabled them to cope successfully with automobile new technologies. We became their technological allies. We would also love to become vocational teachers and students’ technological allies. We wish to make their work much easier and that they have all the necessary resources to train the great professionals that will lead our sector in the future.
At the end of the day, it is about the future of all of us: students, teachers, dealers, manufacturers, makes and technical centres. We all depend, ultimately, on the technicians being able to maintain, diagnose and repair vehicles, whatever the technology they integrate. We must keep up all together.
Education and training are crucial for any society and sector. Teachers have a great but very tough mission, which is to educate and train the new generations. We firmly believe we must support them; we must do our part. Education and training are everyone’s responsibility.
Article Submitted By
Nuria Pinet
Group Eina