The Constance-based company Christiani has held business relations with institutions and educational establishments in China for many years. Now Christiani is opening its own subsidiary in Guangzhou

Christiani Education Technology Co. Ltd. is the name of Christiani’s new subsidiary in Guangzhou, China. Guangzhou is the third-largest city in China and an emerging commercial centre. With its location on the Pearl River and proximity to Hong Kong, Guangzhou is an economically growing port city.
With the new subsidiary, Christiani is in the immediate vicinity of more than 8,700 international companies, including Toyota, Honda, Nissan and other vehicle manufacturers, as well as service providers such as FedEx, Allianz and other well-known companies.
China is an important international sales market for Christiani’s teaching and learning systems. In addition to supplying teaching systems, Christiani also produces translations of teaching materials for the Chinese education market. In the future, products will be adapted directly on site for the Asian market. In addition, the new office will ensure that customers are not only supplied directly but also supported locally. Customers primarily include schools, vocational schools, universities and government agencies as well as German companies that produce in China.

“We have had a very good experience in the Chinese market in recent years. In particular, there are already long-standing customer relationships in the areas of Electric Vehicle Technology, Robotics and Automation,” explains Ralf Detzel, Managing Partner at Christiani. So far, he says, the highlight of the company’s involvement in Asia was the Christiani Trainers’ Day in 2018, which took place in Shenzhen.
The Guangzhou subsidiary is managed by Libin Liang as General Manager, who is supported by Lucia Cheng, an experienced manager. Both have been working for Christiani in Asia for many years.
Christiani is a well-known educational provider in the German-speaking market. Teaching systems from Christiani have been used in vocational schools, companies and training centres for decades. Particularly in the technical fields of electrical engineering and metal technology, trainees prepare for their exams with textbooks and materials from Christiani.
The German dual training system is in great demand abroad, especially in China. Accordingly, cooperation in the field of education policy between Germany and China has a long tradition. At the end of 1998, a German-Chinese project lasting several years was concluded between the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the Central Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Beijing (ZIBB). Twenty years later, the Secretary-General of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs in the Federal Republic of Germany, Udo Michallik, and the Chinese Minister of Education, Baosheng Chen, signed a joint declaration of intent for closer cooperation in vocational education and training.
In the future, Christiani intends to make greater use of such education-policy relations to make education “made in Germany” accessible in China as well.
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About Christiani
Christiani stands for quality in technical training and further training for 90 years now. We develop specialist books, courses and didactic documents for our teaching systems as well as training devices for vocational and further training. Our close and long-term relationships with companies from industry and trade, associations and institutions ensure that we are always at the forefront of technology in education.
Article Submitted By:
Fabian Kaiser
Christiani GmbH & Co. KG