Christiani – Customised training lab concepts: the best fit for your training needs!





Christiani plans and implements integral training lab solutions for companies and educational institutions. We accompany our clients during all stages until we can provide a turn-key solution: From consulting and requirements analysis to planning, design, implementation, train-the-trainer courses and learning outcome tests. Thus, our customers will profit from a perfectly customized training lab furnished with training equipment according to their very specific teaching objectives. The result is a technologically advanced lab with modern training systems as well as suitable didactic materials: the key to motivation and long-lasting learning effects!


<< Hardware >>
In Christiani’s labs training takes place according to industrial standards, so that trainees can integrate themselves directly and easily into practical working life. Therefore machines, equipment, training stands, and teaching systems comply with industrial demands and are tuned to the requirements of educational institutions at the same time.

<< Didactics >>

Teachers and trainers receive didactic teaching materials, documentation and necessary tools for the mediation of learning contents. We offer a wide range of teaching aids: experiment manuals, working books, web-based training and training and seminars for a variety of topics. Teaching materials are digitalized and available in different languages.

<< Train-the-Trainer >>
We qualify your trainers and teach them how to work with the Christiani training systems. With our train-the-trainer courses, your trainers get to know relevant learning contents and more importantly they learn how to teach those contents in a clear and practical manner. Whether in Germany or on-site in our clients’ location – we train your trainer so that the customized training labs are used in an optimal and successful way. For instance, in a few weeks, we will teach a delegation of an Indian client in our modern training facilities in Germany/Rhein, so they are perfectly prepared for teaching with our systems in their new training lab in India.

Learn more about Christiani’s training labs by checking our website or feel free to contact us directly via email at


Article submitted by:

Katharina Schmelzle

Dr.-Ing. Paul Christiani GmbH & Co. KG
Technisches Institut für Aus- und Weiterbildung
Hermann-Hesse-Weg 2
78464 Konstanz

Tel: +49 7531 5801-373