8 November 2018, BERNEXPO, Bern, Switzerland
Keynote Speaker: Mrs Anita Lehikoinen (Permanent Secretary, Ministery of Education and Culture of Finland)
Speaker: Dr. Lauri Tuomi (Programme Director, Finnish National Agency for Education)
The Finnish education system has evolved to become one of the leading systems in the world, since public education was set up in the middle of the 19th century. Education in Finland is based on the following principles: equality; access; learning rather than testing; teacher competency as well as life-long learning. The vision is that everyone can grow to his/her own potential, accordingly 21st century skills are highlighted at all levels of education. Today digitalization is seen as one of the priorities in the regeneration of education and learning. Consequently, the educational technology sector and start-ups are set up by innovative teachers, students and entrepreneurs. Innovations are achieved through the collaboration of companies and schools.
For further questions about this event please contact Kateryna Schuetz.
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