GSI SLV Nord Training Centre in Hamburg embraces Augmented Reality in welding training

Digitalization does not stop at welding technology. For the training of new welders SLV Nord has now opened an augmented welding workshop with six workstations.

GSI SLV Nord has recently opened an augmented classroom featuring six Soldamatic welding simulators in their welding training facilities in Hamburg. The Augmented Reality (AR) powered welding simulator is the latest acquisition of a centre committed to the latest technology in training.

One question comes up: Why an augmented welding workshop when you have 72 fully equipped welding booths and squares right next door?

Christiane Pohlmann, Head of Training and Further Education at SLV Nord, was impressed by the didactic concept: “You receive constant feedback on parameters such as distance, speed or angle of attack during welding and can train hand skills in a more targeted manner. When the participants sit in the welding booths for the first time, they already know pretty well what they need to look out for. ”

Better welding in less time – to achieve this goal, SLV Nord has extended its welder training with a forward-looking system using DVS-certified learning software and augmented reality technology.

Allan Gray, CEO of Weldplus, helped design the virtual welding workshop. He knows that a simulator can never replace an experienced welding teacher. “But through the simulator, the welding teacher has his eyes everywhere. He can see more quickly where it is in the individual”, says Gray. He sees the effectiveness as another great advantage: “No set-up times or workpiece preparation, but infinite repeatability. The time on the arc is crucial. Through effective practical training, knowledge tests and sophisticated analysis tools, welding students learn the hand skills much faster. They are optimally prepared when they go next door: into the real world of welding”.

This is how Germany is taking the next step in vocational and welding training using AR technology, you can learn more about how other countries like Malaysia or Colombia are already making the most of it.


Article Submitted by:

Leonardo Hermoso

