7 November 2018, BERNEXPO, Bern, Switzerland
Keynote Speaker: Dr Joseph South
Speaker: Tony Brandenburg
This conference is aimed at providing a multinational platform where the latest trends in science and technology can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the intent of learning from one another. ISTE Stream will bring together key educators, educational consultants, school principals and teachers from all over the world. Educators will get the opportunity to explore new education tools and strategies in one place.
ISTE was established in 1979 as a nonprofit, non-governmental international professional organisation and learned society with the mission of “advancing excellence in learning and teaching through innovative and effective uses of technology.” ISTE provides thought leadership, advocacy, and capacity building for transforming and modernising education through effective practices in the use of technology for learning and modern schooling.
For further questions about this event please contact Kateryna Schuetz