Pretend Play fruits and vegetables and more generally food is an integral part of the symbolic activities of the child. Thanks to their appearance close to reality, size, shape, colour, and texture, they allow the development of their sensory, motor, linguistic and imaginary abilities.
For older children, the wide variety of foods, some of which are presented in different forms (bread, eggs, meat, potatoes, etc.), let approach different eating habits, categorize foods, and help children to understand the importance of a balanced diet.
LAP created a complete manual for teachers with many different activities to be done either individually, in small groups or collectively. The range of games and and role activities can be used to consolidate and develop childrens language skills or fine motor skills, visual recognition etc.

Discover how many educational goals can be achieved with Pretend Play Food and download the full catalogue
For more information please visit: http://www.lap-biella.com
Atticle Submitted by
Frederica Baratella
L.A.P. Lavorazione Articoli Plastici srl