An international robotic school network launching on-line courses in coding, 3D modelling, circuit and robotics. ROBBO believes that this is the way to retain the existing network of students and to attract new ones.
25.03.2020 Helsinki, Finland the first online coding, 3D modelling and circuit courses for three different student age groups was developed for a 3-month period. The study of these subjects does not require the use of any specialist equipment beyond a computer and internet access. Lessons can be held in groups of five pupils or individually.
The students will also be offered two options to continue their education:
The first is the study of robotics using the ROBBO equipment set – ROBBO Platform and ROBBO Laboratory (purchased separately)
Alternatively, students may choose to study coding, 3D modelling and circuit design. As a part of this course, the students will have the opportunity to prepare and compete in the international Scratch Olympic competition in creative programming and the ROBBO Festival, which are online competitions and events.
Following comprehensive testing, the BlueJeans platform was selected to host the ROBBO distance learning courses. The platform demonstrated the best results in terms of student and teacher convenience, stability and cost. The programme instructors have themselves been trained by ROBBO’s methodological professionals on how to deliver the course using the BlueJeans platform.

” We see interest in the format of distance learning in our clubs both from our own students and new kids. We are technically ready to accept those children whose sections have been closed or who were unable to promptly switch to a distance learning training format. “- notes Director of Franchising ROBBO Club Network Ekaterina Ekalo
The launch of the distant education format has not required any additional financial investments. Only existing company employees and technical resources were involved.
“We have invested several million USD in the development of our educational methods. They are used in teaching for more than 50 thousand children in 18 countries. Therefore, we were able to quickly adapt our programs for the online format and launch distance learning,” said Ekaterina Ekalo.
ROBBO Managing Director Ilya Dinershtein commented: “The benefits of online learning can be described, as new skills in obtaining knowledge:
- having taught the child to study in class with a teacher, then you can instruct the child to learn independently on the Internet
- distance learning is not tied to a local education club – you can easily change the teacher and club.
- one can manage your time – study in those robotic clubs that are convenient on a schedule, and not geographically”.
When children stay at home, they do not study and lose their learning skills, having established the child’s activities from home, parents can work at the same time, without being disturbed. When sitting at home, children play computer games, let them investigate how these games are developed.
To register for a trial lesson please contact ROBBO https://www.robbo.world/
ROBBO www.robbo.world – education robotics based on open-source software, hardware developer and production company. Company offices are opened in Finland, Japan and Russia.
With the help of ROBBO, more than 50,000 children are enrolled in 130 clubs and 200 schools in 18 countries: Finland, Thailand, United Kingdom, USA, Spain, Vietnam, China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Israel, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Russia, Romania.
ROBBO won the Google RISE Awards twice and is also the winner of the competitions of the Finnish government (“FinLanding”) and Japanese government (“Fukuoka Start-up Day”).
Contact for press:
+358 40 4187890 GMT+3
Article Submitted by:
Maria Haikkarainen
ROBBO Finland Oy www.robbo.world