Festo as partner in technical skills development

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 884 million people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water, and at the same time, 80% of the water consumed worldwide is disposed of untreated into the environment. So, there is a lot to do for aspiring water technicians prior to the 46th WorldSkills vocational championships in Shanghai in the fall of 2022. The competition in skill #55 will be realized on the official competition equipment provided by Festo Didactic, the Environmental Discovery System (EDS) model plant.
Almost nowhere in the world, water is drinking water directly from nature. Sophisticated drinking water treatment is just as important and necessary as wastewater treatment. As a model plant, Festo Didactic’s Environmental Discovery System mirrors the cost-intensive operation of real water treatment plants. On the EDS, training can be easily implemented and is also affordable. The system represents a didactically optimized learning and research platform with hardware, software, teachware and training. At the EDS, aspiring water technicians can build up many practice-relevant competencies.
WorldSkills vocational championships
A total of more than 1,300 apprentices from 60 countries will compete at WorldSkills in Shanghai from October 12-17, 2022, to determine world champions in 63 trades. For the second time, the skill #55 water technology will also be represented. Over four days of competition, the water technology trainees will have to solve challenging tasks on the model Wastewater Transportation System, Water Pump Station and the Edukit Process Automation construction kit of Festo Didactic.

IFAT World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management
A foretaste of the WorldSkills competitions will be provided by the “Water Skills Germany” qualification competitions for trainees and the “World Water Skills” for operating personnel from Germany and around the world at the central action area of IFAT. They are organized by the DWA, German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste. The IFAT trade fair will be held in Munich from May 30 to June 3, 2022.
Here, too, the competitors in Munich will likewise use Festo Didactic’s EDS equipment to become thoroughly familiar with the system’s stations. This requires the comprehensive skills of a water technician: observing, identifying, analyzing, maintaining, controlling, and repairing equipment and processes in the water treatment plant and water network. Therefore, they must build up competencies and expertise in mechanics, chemistry, electrical engineering and automation technology, as well as environmental protection.
At the IFAT trade fair, Festo Didactic will be joining the stand of UNIDO, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, in Hall B4 at Stand 118. As a member of UNESCO’s Global Education Coalition, Festo Didactic wholeheartedly supports vocational education and training (TVET) for young people in technical professions. Green professions are a particular focus in the wake of sustainability ideas.

Training camp in Stuttgart, Germany
In preparation for the upcoming competitions, WorldSkills Germany organized an international water technology training camp at the Kerschensteiner School in Stuttgart, Germany, with DWA, Festo Didactic and Adiro Automatisierungstechnik GmbH. This vocational school center, in its capacity as a certified Excellence Center for Water Technology, is providing premises and technology to support the training days.
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Festo Didactic, Member of Worlddidac Association
Adiro Automatisierungstechnik GmbH, Member of Worlddidac Association
About Festo
Festo is both a global player and an independent family-owned company with companies in 61 countries. We supply automation technology and technical education solutions for more than 35 industries.
Article Submitted by
Maren Gülck
Festo Didactic SE