Worlddidac Association is proud to announce its new platinum member Yuanda-llongwill Educational Science and Technology LTD.
Since 1997, Yuanda-llongwill has been committed to the research, development, popularization and application of sensor-based lab equipment. In the recent five years, environment science and technology, as well as the campus health equipment have been added to the products line.
In the area of sensor-based lab equipment, the product, llongwill® DISLab covers physics, chemistry, biology, geography and science inquiry of primary school, and has nearly 10,000 school users in China and overseas. Yuanda-llongwill also participated in the drafting of Shanghai and China State science experiment standard. The experimental examples have been adopted by all Chinese official physics and primary science curriculum and textbooks.
The new business of Yuanda-llongwill, the Cleanbay™ series of environmental sanitation equipment has been introduced into classrooms, student apartments, dining halls and toilets in kindergartens, primary and middle schools, and universities. It can effectively purify the environment and block the spread of disease by continuously generating and releasing disinfectant liquid and gas, and has excellent performance at sterilization, disinfection and odor control.
“We are very proud to have become a platinum member of Worlddidac this year. Together with Worlddidac, we hope to increase our contribution to global education”, commented by Yuanda-llongwill.