Tutor e Institute from Finland makes digital short courses in practical skills. The focus is on young adults and adults and the company values lifelong learning, quality in training and high educational standards.
Tutor e Institute offers eLearning courses such as food hygiene, circular economy, personal finance and job application tutoring. Practical eLearning courses with licenses as credentials after approved tests are available online.
Please learn more at www.tutoreinstitute.com.
The Career Awareness course gives much needed understanding and insight for young adults when pondering the future and one’s role in it. It is necessary to understand oneself and personal disposition as well as capabilities to choose the right orientation and career.
The course has 6 modules and a personality test that will assist to choose the right vocational selection: 1. how to choose a career, 2. knowing yourself, 3. how to research and navigate job markets, 4. how to write a good CV, 5. how to prepare for a job interview, 6. how to use social media, such as LinkedIn, to market yourself as a valuable employee. Our course includes also Extended DISC® Behavioural Analysis. This Extended DISC® Behavioral Analysis describes the natural behavioral style of the person. The personal report will be provided for all participants.
Tutor e Institute is looking for contacts and partners to sell the Career Awareness courses.
Tutor e Institute develops high quality e-learning in practical education and training. Our mission is to make the world a better, safer and cleaner place to live in. Tutor e Institute’s digital training provides all people with skills and competencies to succeed and do right in life. Our growing digital course portfolio provides training for a diverse audience of professionals and aspirants.
Article Submitted By:
Outi Suojanen
Tutor e Institute