You are in the About Us section. For Member Resources regarding the General Assembly, please visit the member page.
The Worlddidac General Assembly is the body that decides on basic questions as defined in the Worlddidac Statutes. It is formed by representatives of Worlddidac member companies and is convened once a year either by postal /online ballot or in the presence of members’ representatives. Some of the duties of the General Assembly as per the Statutes include:
a) Election of the members of the Council, the President and the Vice President
b) Election of the Auditors
c) Dismissal of the Council members, the President and the Auditors
d) Adopting the annual report and the annual accounts
e) Discharge of the Council and the Auditors
f) Adoption of the budget
g) Specification of the membership fees
h) Adoption of the strategy and the medium-term action and finance plan
i) Amendment of the Statutes
j) Dissolution of the Association
k) The resolutions as per Art. 6, Paragraph 3
l) Other business, which the Council submits to the General Assembly
For more information please download the Statutes of the Worlddidac Association.